Sunday, November 29, 2015

Top 10 Hip Hop Song Outros

Once again it's time for some hip hop, this time around I'll be focusing on some of my favorite song outros. As the name would imply, an outro is the closing of the song, it could be a change up in production, a spoken word piece, a sample, or even a few bars short of a standard verse that sums up things.

1. 2Pac - Hit em Up
Easily one of everyone's favorite 2Pac songs as well as diss tracks in general. The passion laid throughout the whole track is ferocious, not to mention pretty much sampling two of the songs from artists that he was dissing at the time. "Player's Anthem" and "Get Money" by Junior M.A.F.I.A. and The Notorious B.I.G. What really makes this song a great diss and one of my favorite outros is the scathing minute and a half long outro where he goes into depth quite well and directly names all the artists he has any issues with from New York. The sheer amount of anger you can just imagine that he felt while recording this song is felt whenever you hear it.
"Now you tell me who won
I see them, they run
They don't wanna see us
Whole Junior M.A.F.I.A. clique dressing up trying to be us
How the fuck they gonna be the mob when we always on our job?
We millionaires, killing ain't fair but somebody got to do it
Oh yeah, Mobb Deep: you wanna fuck with us
You little young-ass motherfuckers
Don't one of you niggas got sickle-cell or something
You're fucking with me, nigga
You fuck around and catch a seizure or a heart attack
You better back the fuck up
Before you get smacked the fuck up
This is how we do it on our side
Any of you niggas from New York that want to bring it, bring it
But we ain't singing, we bringing drama
Fuck you and your motherfucking mama
We gon kill all you motherfuckers
Now when I came out, I told you it was just about Biggie
Then everybody had to open their mouth with a motherfucking opinion
Well this is how we gonna do this
Fuck Mobb Deep, fuck Biggie
Fuck Bad Boy as a staff, record label and as a motherfucking crew
And if you want to be down with Bad Boy, then fuck you too
Chino XL: fuck you too
All you motherfuckers, fuck you too (Take money, take money)
All of y'all mother fuckers, fuck you, die slow, motherfucker
My .44 make sure all y'all kids don't grow
You motherfuckers can't be us or see us
We motherfuckin' Thug Life-riders
Westside til we die
Out here in California, nigga, we warned ya
We'll bomb on you motherfuckers. We do our job
You think you mob? Nigga, we the motherfuckin' mob
Ain't nothing but killers and the real niggas
All you motherfuckers feel us
Our shit goes triple and 4-quadruple
You niggas laugh cause our staff got guns under they motherfuckin' belts
You know how it is, when we drop records they felt
You niggas can't feel it, we the realest
Fuck em, we Bad Boy-killers"
After hearing something like that, I really can't imagine what would be going on in the minds of his enemies. It's simple, aggressive, direct and no beating around the bush, "Death to the enemies" is the general idea. Considering at the time he was under the assumption that they were the ones behind his 1994 shooting, it makes sense for him to be so angry however. Regardless, great way to finish a track.

2. N.W.A - One Less Bitch
 Once again a song that's a bit violent, but still another classic track. Dr. Dre gives 3 verses full of killing prostitutes for various reasons then MC Ren comes after with a verse of the same kind. Just looking at the song title you can tell it's not going to be a very female friendly probably but what really drives the point home is the outro of course which puts it on this list.
"In reality, a fool is one who believes that all women are ladies
A nigga is one who believes that all ladies are bitches
And all bitches are created equal
To me, all bitches are the same
Money-hungry, scandalous groupie hoes
That's always ridin' on a nigga's dick, always in a nigga's pocket
And when the nigga runs out of money the bitch is gone in the wind
To me, all bitches ain't shit!"
 That outro (provided by Eazy-E) sums up the song quite well, I might not agree with the sentiments personally, but I can still look at it objectively and say that it's a fitting ending for the type of song it is. The passion and straight forwardness is great and it's relatable to anyone who has had to deal with the type of person that he's describing.

3. T.I - Why you Wanna
One of my favorite tracks by T.I. Two verses and a hook that really ask the question, quite literally, of why do you want to be with him when I have this that and the other thing. The intro brings it home with him talking to the woman in question directly about how he's laid things out and she has to make up her mind. Something I and plenty of others can relate to as well, all in all a great song with an outro that really makes you question your own situation.
"This nigga playing mind games man
I think the time came, that you mind changed you understand
Life is like a chess move, you need to make yo next move
Yo best move, keep it pimpin' you understand... hey
I mean you know what I'm sayin I don showed you how I feel
You know what I'm sayin, I put myself all the way out there you know
The ball in yo' court man, but I just got a question for you...
Is you happy?"
Is she really happy with her man? T.I asks her firmly, explaining the differences between him and her current man. Great way to finish a nice track.

4. Ab-Soul - Beautiful Death
 Top Ab-Soul track and favorite song on his album that it comes from, Control System, the concept of the song is death, and between his verses, the hook, and the guest appearance of Co-president of TDE, Punch they definitely kill this track. The instrumentation is beautiful, and like death, the song is ended by an outro that leaves you wondering, is next?
"Tragedy after tragedy, I know it's sad to see
America killing her babies like Casey Anthony
We try, we try to cope and hold on to our sanity
Popping ecstasy will surely shorten life expectancy
We travel the seven seas in hopes for a little peace
We promised pie in the sky, I'm dyin' to get a piece
Put down your piece, I'm wish you all a beautiful death
Really speaks volumes, with a great flow and wordplay he speaks his peace. You can tell he really put thought into how he wanted to finish the song, which was done quite well and one of my favorites.

5. 2Pac - Picture me Rollin
 Another classic 2Pac track, this being one of the songs from his double disc album, All Eyez on Me throughout the track he speaks on how things have changed now that he's out of jail and how he's going to live life nicer than before. Shown once again in a long outro, he explains just how things are now as well as shouting out a few of his homies.
"Is y'all ready for me?
Picture me rollin" roll call
You know there's some muh'fuckers out there
I just could not forget about
I wanna make sure they can see me
Number one on my list: Clinton Correctional Facilities
All you bitch ass C.O.'s
Can you niggas see me from there?
Ballin' on y'all punk ass!
Picture me rollin', baby
Yeah, all them niggas up in them cell blocks
I told y'all niggas when I come home it's on
That's right nigga, picture me rollin'
Oh, I forgot! The D.A
Yeah, that bitch had a lot to talk about in court
Can the ho see me from here?
Can you see me, ho?
Picture me rollin'
And all you punk police, can you see me?
Am I clear to you?
Picture me rollin' nigga, legit
Free like O.J. all day
You can't stop me
You know I got my niggas up in this motherfucker
Manute, Pain, Syke, Bogart, Mopreme
It's sad dog, can you picture us rolling?
Can you see me ho?
Is y'all ready for me?
We up out this bitch
Any time y'all wanna see me again
Rewind this track right here, close your eyes
And picture me rollin'"
One of his more well known songs, he delivers one of his most well known outros, calling out the District Attorney, The Prison he was in, as well as the correctional officers (C.Os) and he ends it with lines that just stick with you and really bring home the idea that he really saw himself dying soon. If you want to see him again, like he said, just rewind the track, close your eyes, and picture him rollin. As always, his fans will do just that.

6. Charles Hamilton - Falling & Balance
 Charles Hamilton brings it once again, giving you a track about about the ups and downs of a relationship, hence the "Falling and Balance".
"I'm so crazy about you..
I just.. All the time I see you..
I just.. I don't know how to explain it..
I just.. I know there's something there
I just.. We got, um..
I don't ever know what I'm talking about..
Just hit me up another time.. Maybe I'll make more sense then
Haha.. I just don't wanna let go
And not have enough faith in us
I kinda got used to waking up with you
So like waking up and not being around you
Just.. It don't feel the same
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you"
Simple, sweet, to the point, he loves this woman and misses her. What else is there to really say? He spills his heart out on yet another track, and has that relatability that is oh so important. He needs balance, and I hope he finds it in her, or perhaps another woman. This is the kind of song you can send to your girlfriend to let her know you been thinking about her, which is nice, it's not really offensive and it's open and honest.

7. Lupe Fiasco - Body of Work
From Lupe Fiasco's album, Tetsuo and Youth, considered by many to be a big step up from his two albums before it, this song is just one example of why some fans of his feel that way.  Metaphor after metaphor and beautiful instrumentation. The outro however is my favorite part of the song and probably the whole album, it doesn't really have any lyrics to be exact, it's mainly a saxophone solo by saxophonist Terrace Martin with some background vocals by Troi. Really one of the most beautiful instrument solos I've ever heard and I don't have much more to say about it besides listen to it and see for yourself.

8. Lupe Fiasco - Madonna (And Other Mothers in the Hood)
Another track off of Lupe's album T&Y, this one refers to mother's raising their children in the "hoods" and the unfair situations they are put in because of their poverty and surroundings. The outro is where chills will more than likely be sent down your spine and a few tears might be shed.
"Mama said my son never been no killer
Mama said my son never been no gangster
No drug dealer, no gang member
Mama said my son never been no trouble
Mama said my son never been no trouble"
The children in question have mothers, knowing they're not bad kids, but the streets don't see things that way, they're harsh, and can be dangerous. You don't have to be a criminal to be treated like one sometimes. Lupe makes that quite clear in this breaking finisher to an amazingly laid track. 

9. 2Pac - Against All Odds
 The last track of The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory, released shortly after the death of 2Pac, and under his new moniker, Makaveli. This was once again another track aimed towards artists from the east coast, including Mobb Deep, Nas, and Puffy, among others. The title letting you know that he is truly going against all the odds, as the east coast was a pretty unified front of rappers that pretty much dominated the airwaves and had what many would consider some of the best at that time. He ends the track and with it the album with an outro letting you know that the beef isn't yet over even though the album might be.
"Against all odds
Twenty-one gun salute
One love to my true thug niggas (Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!)
Twenty-one gun salute to my niggas that die in the line of duty
Representing to the fullest being soldiers with military minds
That play the rules of the game, twenty-one gun salute
I salute you my niggas, stay strong
I ride for you, I rhyme for you, I roll for you, it's all for you
To all you bitch made niggas, I'm coming for you
Against all odds, I don't care who the fuck you is, nigga
You touch me I'm at you
I know you motherfuckers think that I forgot
Hell no I ain't forgot nigga
I just remember what you told me
You said don't go to war unless I got my money behind me
Aight, I got my money right here, now I want war"

With his real homies and against his enemies to the very end. The background noises of helicopters and guns competes and compliments his serious direct tone he takes with his enemies here. Battle ready is the mind frame he clearly shows here.

 10. Charles Hamilton - Disambiguation
This is a track full of Charles recalling details from his childhood and his relationship with his mother and then a verse about another woman who he doesn't give any exact hint at who. The roughly two minute ending of the song after his verses is filled with him yelling some unintelligible things at times, among some other seemingly random words but there's something about it that just makes you feel his pain. The instrumentation at this part is also what makes the song feel so amazing and heavy, it's best played with some headphones and bass. The title of the mixtape/album that it comes from is "Substance Abuse" and this is the kind of outro that really makes it believeable that he was abusing some substances at the time. With the random yelling and everything, not to say that it's bad in anyway, just very sporadic, and unconventional, but still one of my favorites. If that's not enough, check it out for yourself, the guitar section alone is very compelling. Charles has been through some pain, and this is one of those songs and outros that really lets you know that.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top 10 R&B Love Songs

Since I did my top 10 Hip Hop love songs it only makes sense to do R&B as well. Love songs are some of my favorite type of songs to listen to, when I'm in that mood of course. Let's begin shall we?

1&2. Case - Missing You/ Joe - Missing You
Album: Open Letter(Case)
Released: 2001
This song here is a classic to me, I've spent quite some time listening to it and thinking about the women of my life. It's just as the title says, a song about missing that person that you love. The song was originally recorded by another singer, Joe, but it was given to Case for his album. That being said both their versions are great, and personally I listen to Joe's more but that's only because I didn't know of Case's version until later on. Whichever one you decide to listen to is purely up to liking the singer's voice really, as the lyrics are the same and the production only has slight differences if any. The lyrics use simple similes such as
"Like a cold summer afternoon
Like the snow coming down in June
Like a wedding without a groom"
to show just how much the women in question is missed, simple  but strong imagery there. What would a wedding be without a groom? It just wouldn't make sense, which is the idea. It just doesn't make sense to be without you.

3. Ginuwine - Love You More
Album: The Senior
Released: 2004
The song that you listen to when you realize that you love that person, and further yet as the chorus says you love them more everyday.
"I love you more everyday
You show me love in every way
There's nothing left for me to say
But I love you
I love you more everyday
You show me love in every way
There's nothing left for me to say
But I love you"

A simple statement, no need to be complex. A true sentiment on how true love really should be, the more you find out about that person the more your love grows, if the opposite happens then it seems like you're not following this song. In all seriousness, there's not many love songs out there that can top this for me. The alluring instrumental, Ginuwine's harmony and passionate vocals serenade the hearts of women everywhere.

4. Ginuwine - How Deep is your Love
Album: The Life
Released: 2001
 Questioning the very depth of the woman in question's love with this one, Ginuwine once again makes my list. This is a question that I'm sure comes to the mind of anyone who has felt love for someone else, whether you're a man or a woman it's a relatable inquiry. I know I've surely had this question for any woman I've fallen in love with. The woman in question apparently has had problem with men in the past and he's trying to be the one to show her that all men aren't the same, she just needs to put her trust in him and love him in return and he won't let her down. Something that hits me on a personal level defintely and something that is a fairly typical story but to no detriment of my enjoyment of the song.

5.  Michael Jackson - Break of Dawn

Released: 2001
It just wouldn't be right to make this list without having a Michael Jackson song here, I just can't see it. "I don’t want the sun to shine I want to make love
Just this magic in your eyes and in my heart
I don’t know what I’m going to do - I can’t stop loving you
I won’t stop ‘til break of dawn making love"
Singing a chorus like this just makes memories rush back of good times with that special someone. Feeling hopelessly in love and not knowing how to live without them, or at least you feel like it at that point. The central theme is making love until the break of dawn, another very simple concept yet a beautiful one at that. Also the instrumental sounds beautiful and a bit nature-like, thanks to the sound of the birds chirping at the beginning and later on in the song as well.

6. Craig David - Fill me In
 Album: Born to do It
Released: 2000
If you were a teenager in love with someone and had parents that were maybe too over protective than the whole subject of this song probably relates to you. Not to me too much but it's still a great song for me musically and although I can't relate personally to it it's still a favorite of mine. The whole song comes from the view of a teenager trying to spend time with his girlfriend who is also his neighbor and how she has to sneak out to see him because her parents do not approve and how they're always asking questions and suspicious of her actions and whereabouts. A childhood favorite of mine and still one to this day. A song about young love at it's finest.

7. New Edition - Can you Stand the Rain
Album: Heart Break
Released: 1988
The title says it all, this song has New Edition asking the woman in question if she can stand the rain, or in other words can you stay by me even when times get rough, or will you leave the relationship because things aren't as easy anymore. A question that I've asked a few women in the past myself I'm sure, not quite in those words though. The production sets the tone of the song quite well with the sound of a storm going on the background. New Edition doesn't fail to deliver love ballads, it's really that simple for me. 

8. New Edition - Something About You
Album: Home Again
Released: 1996
   As I said, they just do not fail to deliver love ballads, this one is a bit more uptempo but another great one. 
"Over and over and over I try
To get you off of my mind
But I can't win the fight
There's a feeling I know
When I'm losing in love
It's the feeling I get when I can't get enough"
Basically having that woman stuck on your mind to the point where it seems obsessive, but it's just love, and at times it can feel that way. It's an internal struggle trying to get someone that means that much to you out of your thoughts, and this song sums it up nicely. Something about the woman in question is addicting and based on these lyrics it's pretty obvious. I know the feeling all to well and this song is one that hits close to home pretty often for me. Musically it has a bit of a hip hop sounding production which is nice as well.

9. Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity
 Album: Ralph Tresvant
Released: 1990
Another track with a New Edition member, this one is a solo song by Ralph Tresvant, the lead singer of N.E for a while.  The name of the song is the idea, he wants to be the sensitive man who is caring and loving, in contrast to the man that the female he refers to is used to dealing with. As shown pretty clearly here. "Girl, I know it's been hard since he went away
And left so sad you cry everyday
Let me kiss your tears erase all your doubts
Because for you I'm here, you won't be without, love"

Far too relatable of a song for me, very personal strong connection I have to this song from prior dealings with women and knowing about their former relationships. A hit with that New Jack Swing feel, that really drives the point home that some women need that sensitive man, they just don't always realize it.

10. Carl Thomas - Emotional
 Album: Emotional
Released: 2000
Emotional, a phrase people use to describe me which is pretty fitting I suppose. Makes sense for me to like this song as much as I do then. This is another one that probably relates to people quite well, what do you do when that relationship with that person just starts to lose it's luster? "What's a man to do when he just can't take no more
What am I to do when my heart leads me to the door
Now we've tried and tried again
But now this is the end
Tell me what's the use of holding on
If we can't be friends"
When the option of even being friends is no longer what is the point of continuing the relationship? After all the best relationships are built on friendship they say. Easily one of the most beautiful songs I've had the pleasure of hearing.

It's a challenge to listen to all songs and not have the memories come rushing back, really almost impossible it seems. It's a challenge though that I accept willingly, and lay out for others to see.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Top 10 Video Game Tracks

With a love for music and a love for video games, it only seems right to mix the two together. Video games often have an OST(Original Soundtrack) to go along with the game and set the mood, it can be quite an important part in video gaming to players. Perhaps a character just died? The music might change to reflect such a tragic instance and slow down. On the other hand you might find yourself in a race against your opponent and the music will then be of a quicker paced variety more upbeat to match the circumstances.

Possible spoilers ahead 


1. Space Trip Steps
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Released: 2001
Artist: Hunnid-P
This song is easily a top on the list without question, from both a musical and thematic setting it just fits. First off it's a song for Knuckles, all his music in the SA games are hip hop themed, which makes me like his more so than other characters. Also as a character I think he's pretty cool, although I'm not too keen on his levels being all about finding emerald pieces. The stage that the song takes place in is Meteor Herd, the 14th stage of the hero story. It takes place in space, and one of the interesting things about the song itself is that both the instrumental and the lyrics match the stage. They're pretty direct and simple yet fitting and catchy, for example:
"Took a shuttle to space, and left from our home, At least we're with friends, and I'm not all alone, Bad thing was, that the Emerald spilled, Got to search space, man, time to get in" 
He's telling the story of why he's in space in the first place, so the song is seen as more of a narrative told from the perspective of Knuckles himself. 
Overall it's a great song from one of my favorite video games of all time and I find myself listening to the song even out of the context of the game itself.

2. Weltall
 Game: Saga Frontier 2
Released: 1999
This track here plays during the Desert Megalith scenario once you get to the town after the desert. It's not only one of my favorite ones in the whole game but it is one of my favorite of all games entirely. The story of the game at the time of hearing this track is that Wil Knights is searching for the man who can tell him what happened to his parents. That man would be Alexei Sergein, long story short, Alexei and his brothers are responsible for the death of his father, which you learn from talking to various npcs in the town and piecing together the story while this beautiful music plays in the background. It really brings back memories, nostalgia for the times as a child playing this game full of wonder and excitement. It makes me think of what happened that fateful day with Wil's father and his group of fellow adventurers. It's a purely instrumental song with various instruments that I can't even begin to name but the name of the song translates from German to English as Space, Universe, or Comsos. A beautiful song that still gets replay to this day for me.

3. Title Theme
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Released: 1998
The title theme of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is a masterpiece, from a classic game. The piano chord is beautiful, and the various other instruments in the background combine for a truly memorable listening experience. I'm sure I'm not the only one who started the game and would just listen to the song for a while before starting to play, if even playing at all. The song is calming yet a bit sad, and seems like a bit of foreshadowing for some events of the game. It really sets the mood for jumping right into one of the best video games of all time, and is one of the first games I've played that really showed me how important music can be to video games. This is a song that can have you shedding tears, or even something you can just relax and fall asleep to. Beautiful

4. Boss Fight Theme
Game: Megaman X5
Released: 2000 Japan, 2001 NA.
Once again another song with a pretty generic title but still great. This one plays during a boss fight, it's very uptempo and the type of song I could hear being played in a club that plays a form of EDM. It definitely puts you in the zone for fighting the eight robot masters without a doubt, it makes you want to dance too which is not the greatest idea while you're fighting perhaps, but surely listen to it out of context and it's still a great song. My favorite boss theme of any Megaman X game, and a proper fighting tune.

5. The Supernatural
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Released: 2001
Artist: Everett Bradley
Another song from Sonic Adventure 2, this is the song for Shadow the Hedgehog's stage Final Chase, and as the name says it is the final stage for Shadow. Also as the name says, it's basically him trying to catch up to Sonic the Hedgehog, which the song really puts you in the zone for. Clearly a fitting song told from the perspective of Shadow as noticeable from the lyrics like such:
"I am the ultimate life, a flawless existence
Nothing is unpredictable to me, nothing can surprise me
I am the mystery of the world, I can tell it by their cold eyes
I am the warrior, it's my way to go"
 Definitely seems like something Shadow would say, no? The lyrics might be hard to understand, but that great EDM sounding beat more than makes up for it to me.

6. Fly in the Freedom
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Released: 2001
Artist: Tabitha Fair 
Once again another song from SA 2, this is the last one on the list however from that game. This is the theme song for Rouge the Bat, who happens to be the only female playable character of SA 2 and is the rival to Knuckles pretty much. Her levels, like his involve searching for the pieces of the master emerald and chaos emeralds. Albeit for different reasons, she is more of a jewel hunter and he is looking for them to put the emerald back together, making them surely at odds for most of the game.  With lyrics like "Fly in the freedom" referring to her ability to fly, as she is a bat and "Is it my treasure? Tell me what I've really looked for" hinting at the fact that she's a treasure hunter always on the search for her next jewel. Her song, is a kind of contrast to Knuckles, where his is Hip Hop, hers is more on the Jazz side of things. To me though they both have the best theme songs out of any character in the SA games.

7. Disharmonie
Game: Saga Frontier 2
Released: 1999
A track from SF 2 again, this one plays during some tense situations, the one that sticks out is a scenario called the Southern Fort. Gustave's fort is under attack by a seemingly enormous horde of monsters and this is the song that plays during the time of the fort being set on fire, followed by Johan the Assassin standing guard out front of the fort ready to crumble to pieces at any moment but fighting solo against the monsters regardless. Assuming you've never played the game, just imagine that scenery and listen to the song at the same time, trust me they go quite well together. Anyways, it's a song that gives you a sense of urgency and danger, one that I find myself listening to still now years after I've played the game multiple times. It definitely fits the mood of the game in the times that it is played, and a great song outside of that as well. Also, the name of the song once again is in German, but the English translation is pretty obvious if I even need to mention it, it is Disharmony.

8. Moonlit City Roa
Game: Legend of Mana
Released: 1999 Japan, 2000 NA.
Easily a favorite from the Legend of Mana soundtrack which was no slouch when it comes to the music selection. Some words that come to mind, beautiful, mysterious, melancholy, and thought provoking. This song plays during your stay in the city of Lumina, which involves a bit of a romantic subplot, and this song covers that so nicely. Such a peaceful piece of music, it brings me back to my days of childhood playing this game and enjoying the music.

9. Open Your Heart
Game: Sonic Adventure
Released: 1998 Japan, 1999 NA.
Artist: 40 Crush
This is the main theme of Sonic Adventure as well as playing during the fight against the final boss of the game, Perfect Chaos. PC being the form of Chaos once he's absorbed the negative energy of all seven chaos emeralds. Once again the lyrics are quite fitting for the fight, such as "Thunder, rain and lightning
Danger, water rising
Clamour, sirens wailing" because during the fight with PC and preceding to it, the whole city is flooded. "
Ancient cities blazing
Shadows keep attacking
Little children crying" Another callback to an event that happened in the game, or perhaps foreshadowing if you've heard the song before playing that part. The song gives a sense of dramatic times where someone has to step up and defeat their rival, and if that's what the people behind it were striving for then they did it surely. One of my favorite songs of the game and series.

10. Forest Temple
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Released: 1999
As the title says, this is the song that plays during your time in the Forest Temple of the game. If you ask some people who've played the game they would say that the song is perhaps creepy and mysterious, and when you listen to it while in the temple itself it adds on a whole other level of mystique. The temple itself is quite odd at times and confusing, the song adds on to it greatly. From constant rattling noise to the wind instrument in the background coming in and out every so often, then the sound of a voice making some kind of grunt that is also quite randomly placed throughout it. The song is somewhat eerie, but also quite peaceful and calming, which is what I really like about it. Probably my favorite song out of the temples, and one of my favorites in the whole game.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Top 10 Hip Hop Love Songs

 Alright so, Love songs in hip hop might not seem like they're too prevalent of a thing, and at times it really can seem like the only thing artists show love for is money, cars, and clothes but that couldn't be further from the truth.  If you look for something hard enough you will often find it, here's 10 songs that I love about love. 

1. Common Sense - I Used to Love H.E.R.
Album: Resurrection
Released: 1994
Sample: George Benson - The changing world 
Favorite lines:
"I met this girl, when I was ten years old
And what I loved most she had so much soul
She was old school, when I was just a shorty
Never knew throughout my life she would be there for me"

A classic, an early example of personification, story telling and plot twists in hip hop story telling, as shown by the ending "cause who I'm talking 'bout, y'all, is hip-hop" letting the listeners know that hip hop is the subject of the song and not a woman as it would appear. A good love song albeit about a culture rather than a person but love is love and you can tell easily that Common (then known as Common Sense) truly loves hip hop and has no problem putting it on record.

2. Lupe Fiasco - Sunshine
Album: Food and Liquor
Released: 2006
Sample: Diana Ross - Friend to Friend
Favorite lines:
"Relationship is just thirty minutes long
It's kinda heavy, maybe a little strong
Gonna take much more than once
Can't trust what each of us say at least for a month
Or two, before I bid you adieu
Do this one thing for me: out of the trillions
Of numbers that's in the world just leave me a few
That lead to you
Won't be longin, I'll see you in the morning

Basically the concept of this song is the same as the previous one, it's a song about his love for hip hop. On first listen, or for a few you might think he's talking about a woman as well,  but on further examination it's pretty clear that hip hop is his true love and he expresses that quite well. Now that these two are out of the way though, the next will more traditional in the sense of low so on to the next one.

3. QuEst - Biscayne Blvd
Mixtape: Searching Slyvan
Released: 2014
Sample: The Hics - Lines
Favorite Lines:
"Shit is lookin' shallow on the surface
But feelings get real when you get caught up in the deep end
Sittin' in your car, all we listen to is Nas late nights
We don't even have a reason
Too afraid to ask if you leavin'
I know you got work in the mornin', I don't wanna keep you out late
This love shit feelin' like an outbreak
Plus I keep staring everywhere, swear to god those lips look sweeter than a pound cake"

Easily one of my more recent favorites. In this song unlike the previous two the references are all to an actual woman and not hip hop or anything else. It's clear that he loves her, or might be falling in love with her and that the relationship means something to him. From the hook to the verses to the beat itself, everything just fits and makes you think of past relationships you've had yourself.

4. 2Pac - Do for Love
Album: R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Released: 1998
Sample: Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do for Love
Favorite lines:
"I shoulda seen you was trouble but I was lost, trapped in your eyes
Preoccupied with gettin' tossed, no need to lie
You had a man and I knew it, you told me
Don't worry bout it we can do it now I'm under pressure
Make a decision cause I'm waitin', when I'm alone
I'm on the phone havin' secret conversations, huh
I wanna take your misery, replace it with happiness
But I need your faith in me, I'm a sucka for love"

Not only is it one of my favorite 2Pac songs, it's also one of my favorite hip hop songs about love, as well as my favorite song on entire album it's placed on but I digress, once again this song is a bit different. It's surely about love and a woman at that, but here you find him questioning the faithfulness of the woman and showing that even when you're a celebrity there's the chance that your relationship can still be lost if your partner is not trustworthy or trusting of you.

5. Immortal Technique - You Never Know
Album: Revolutionary Vol. 2
Released: 2003
Sample: Spyro Gyra - Lost and Found
Favorite lines:
"Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you
The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you
Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond
Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone"

Great storytelling, yet again in another aspect of love, this one focused clearly on the whole relationship from the meeting to the tragic end. Descriptive, easy to understand and laid smoothly over a pretty mellow beat, this song is one that just can't be left off the list. Four verses and over seven minutes long, he shows that this relationship was real and had a deep impact on him without a doubt. Vividly he shows you that this woman was his first true love and vice versa, though the unfortunate twisting at the end that they just couldn't be together long but the time they did spend was irreplaceable.

6. Drake - Brand New
Mixtape: So Far Gone
Released: 2009
Sample: None that I know of
Favorite lines:
"This here is on some truthful shit
It seems like everything I do you're used to it
And I hate hearing stories bout who you've been with
That's when I gotta hide what I'm feeling inside
So you still think I am confident and damn
Is this gonna last?
You're up on a pedestal
Are we moving too fast?
Feels like I'm in crazy competition with the past
That's why I gotta ask..."

Now this one here is more of an R&B song I suppose because he doesn't rap on it at all, but I'll still include it since he does both genres and the mixtape it's on can be considered a mixture of both. It's still within the realm of hip hop for that reason. The song itself is great and probably my favorite song from So Far Gone, it's relatable, emotional, and really makes question your own relationship and insecurities. Who hasn't had that thought at one point in a new relationship about how their partner might be comparing them to their ex? What can you bring new to the relationship that the last man/woman hasn't? That's the question this song asks, and the answer is... Up to you to decide.

7. Kendrick Lamar - She Needs Me
Album: Kendrick Lamar EP
Released: 2009
Sample: Dimlite - Byrdshot and Bye
Favorite lines:
"On the red carpet, dress matching his suit, she holding his arm
She waves at her moms and wave at the world, got the world in her palms
Head in the clouds, star gazing, caught her on the stage, a proposal was waiting
He bent down, got on one knee, she looked him in the eye and said she needs me
She needs me, she needs me, she needs me, she needs me
Even if we seem to separate, eventually it’ll come to pass, and she’ll need me
I need her, we need we"

Kendrick tells the story of a relationship of his over the course of the song starting from the beginning, painting the vivid picture of a typical woman that you'd like to be with. Liked by parents, not competitive, dependable, kind, and beautiful. Over the story it shows that these traits make her successful in business, and it then leads her to being in a relationship with a famous actor but once he proposes her love for Kendrick doesn't let her say yes to him. Clearly he's correct when he says "she needs me"

8. Lost Boyz - Renee
Album: Legal Drug Money
Released: 1996
Sample: Janet Jackson - Funny How Time Flies(When You're Having Fun)
Favorite lines:
"She started feeling on my chest
I started feeling on the breasts
And there's no need for me to stress the rest
A yo, I got myself a winner
We sparked a blunt before we ate
And a blunt after we ate dinner
She had a tattoo she only wanted yo to see
But first dim the lights and turn up the Jodeci
I'm like whatever shorty rock
We can swing it like that
Cause on the real this is where it's at"
Once again storytelling with a nice description of the relationship from the meeting to the tragic end of it. The woman in question here, same name as the title of the song dies from a shooting, hence the hook "A ghetto love is the law that we live by Day by day I wonder why my shorty had to die I reminisce over my ghetto princess everyday Give it up for my shorty" love can be found in the ghetto, but it can be taken away just as quickly due to things such as violence as shown clearly in the track.

9. Charles Hamilton - In Case I Actually Get Her
Mixtape: Well Isn't This Awkward
Released: 2009
Sample: Rihanna - P.S (I'm Still Not Over You)
Favorite lines:
"I don't even know what I'm about to do
But I do know that eyes give out the truth
Lies are mouth pollution
So I gotta figure out a solution
Without abusin'
Everything I am about, so how can I do this
Feels like I'm about to lose it
Girl you got a mouth just use it
Your eyes f*ckin' talk to much
For me to hear you
I think it's time I be near you, in clear view"

From the title to the sample to the hook and everything just screams love song. The mixtape this song is from is properly titled also, "Well Isn't This Awkward" the whole mixtape samples Rihanna songs, and it's pretty much a dedication to his love for Rihanna, although they were never in a relationship, hence titles like "In Case I Actually Get Her" and the title of the mixtape itself. The lyrics paint the picture of a man viewing a woman from afar and hoping to be with her one day and it's something I can relate to myself as well as many others would be able to, so it's definitely one of my favorites.

10.  LL Cool J - Hey Lover
Album: Mr. Smith
Released: 1996
Sample: Michael Jackson - The Lady in my Life
Favorite lines:
"I kissed you softly and you yearned for more
We experienced pleasure unparalleled
Into an ocean of love we both fell
Swimming in the timeless, currents of pure bliss
Fantasies interchanging with each kiss
Undying passion unities our souls
  Together we swim until the point of no control
But it's a fantasy it you won't come true
We never even spoke and your man swear he love you
So I'm gonna keep all these feelins inside
Keep my dreams alive until the right time"

Like the previous song this is once again about a woman he's not in a relationship with, just someone he's simply seen before and is fantasizing about. Starting the story off from when he first sees her to seeing her more often, he sees her from a distance more and more slowly becoming more enamored with her. Seeing her current boyfriend he feels that he's the better option, but he decides not to act on his feelings and to just wait until the right time. Classic LL Cool J.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Top 5 Hip Hop/R&B samples

One of the foundations of hip hop is sampling other songs and makin them into something new, a great feat done by producers just starting out and done by the veterans in the music industry as well. Here's 5 of my favorite hip hop samples and some songs they were used in.

1. The Blackbyrds - Mysterious Vibes
Album: Action
Released: 1977
Used in:
Paris - Days of Old
Almighty RSO - One in the Chamba
Shello - Good Thang
Kurious - I'm Kurious
Wiz Khalifa - Ink my Whole Body
Dom Kennedy - Still Lookin'

Classic, easily one of my favorites and one of the most used samples that I know of. The ones listed above are just my favorites.

2. Tom Scott - Today
Album: The Honeysuckle Breeze
Released: 1967
Used in:
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth- They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)

This one is another great that many people know, but here's an example of a song being sampled, and then that song being sampled, sample inside of sample, it might seem odd but here's a break down.
Tom Scott's Today is a cover of a song by Jefferson Airplanes. Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth then sampled Tom Scott's version for They Reminisice Over You (T.R.O.Y). That was then sampled by Lupe Fiasco for Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free) as well as being sampled in other songs as well by other artists.

3. The Stylistics - Betcha by Golly, Wow
Album: The Stylistics
Released: 1971
Used in
Charles Hamilton - Writing in the Sky
Lil Herb - Write Your Name
Used by a few different artists but Charles Hamilton and Lil Herb are my favorites. Not to mention the songs by them it's used in are easily one of their bests. So much so that it's gained a top spot in my favorite samples just off the strength of those 2 songs.

4. Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Album: Thriller
Released: 1982
Used in:
Nas - Nas Will Prevail
Nas - It Ain't Hard to Tell
SWV - Right Here(remix)
2Pac - Thug Nature/Nigga Nature
Blackstreet - Why, Why
Chris Brown - She Ain't You
Ludacris - This Has Been my World

A classic song sampled and covered by many artists. Nas sampled it twice, once for Nas Will Prevail, which is really more like the original version of the well known It Ain't Hard to Tell from Illmatic. Not only is this song heavily sampled, it's also considered one of Michael Jackson's greatest songs by many, as well as my personal favorite.

 5. Souls of Mischief - 93 'til Infinity
Album: 93 'til Infinity
Released: 1993
Used in:
Big K.R.I.T - Somedayz
Freddie Gibbs - How we do
Tyga - 09 Until

From the album of the same title as the song, a great hip hop song as well as something to be sampled. A song for the year of 93, the year the album was released, being their debut album. Sampled in plenty of songs with good reason, production is top notch. It has a somewhat relaxing vibe to it, great for mellowing and flowing smoothly over.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Top 10 2Pac songs

It's time for another list and since my previous post being about Charles Hamilton, one of my favorite rappers of all time it seems only fair to make one about my favorite rapper who is no longer with us. 2Pac, a.k.a Tupac Amaru Shakur, birth name Lesane Parish Crooks. Widely considered by some as one of, if not the best rapper, and on many people's top rappers lists of all time. I've done a video of my top 10 before, but it's pretty outdated now as I've since heard more music of his since that time and my favorites have changed. The link is below however if you'd like to see how it compares.

1. Song title: Pain
Album: Above the Rim Soundtrack
Sample: Earl Klugh - Livin Inside Your Love
Favorite lines:
The whole thing, I mean really the passion in these verses and the sample and everything is just top notch to me. The featured rapper on the song, Stretch delivers a great verse as well and makes it that much better. A stunning song that truly shows you the pain of coming up in poverty and violence and the struggle to get out.

2. Song title: Temptations
Album: Me Against the World
Sample: Sly and the Family Stones: Sing a Simple Song
Favorite lines:
"A lotta people think it's easy, to settle down
Got a woman that'll please me, in every town
I don't wanna but I gotta do it, the temptation
Got me ready to release the fluid, sensation
Sit down and conversate like you know me, take my hand
Cause even Thugs get lonely, understand
Even the hardest of my homies need attention
Catch you blowin up the telephone, reminiscin"

Simply relatable, perhaps more so to other entertainers and celebrities that actually travel a lot, but still down to earth and showing that everyone does get lonely at times and could use some attention.

3. Song title: Starin Through my Rearview
Album: Tupac Resurrection Soundtrack
Sample: Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
Favorite lines:
"Multiple gunshots fill the block, the fun stops
Niggas is callin cops, people shot, nobody stops
I wonder when the world stopped caring last night
Two kids shot while the whole block staring
I will never understand this society, first they try
To murder me, then they lie to me, product of a dying breed"

This song also has a version with Dwele on it instead of E.D.I. Mean and Yaki Kadafi of the Outlawz, which is found on the album  Nu-Mixx Klazzics Vol. 2.

4. Song title: Niggaz Nature(also called Thug Nature)
Album: Killuminati: The 3 Day Theory (The original version of  The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory)
Sample: Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Favorite lines:
"No need to cry now, go wipe your tears
Be a woman, why you actin' surprised?
You saw the bullshit comin' fake hair
Fake nails, fake eyes too
So why you bound to fuck wit fake guys too
Ain't nothin' hard about it
Why you lookin' sad, shoulda thought about it
Say you learn, I truly doubt it"

Women with all the make up and other things to make them selves appear better, will fall for someone who also exudes fakeness is basically the idea that he's expressing here.

5. Song title: Hail Mary
Album: The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory
Sample: None that I know of.
Favorite lines:
"Penitentiaries is packed with promise-makers
Never realize the precious time that bitch niggas is wasting
Institutionalized, I live my life a product made to crumble
But too hardened for a smile, we're too crazy to be humble: we ballin'"

Simple, not much explanation necessary.  Prisons are packed with people who make promises that they'll keep once they get out and that the people in jail are wasting their time in there and becoming used to it. His life being a product made to crumble, meaning he knows he won't live long, so he lives for the now rather than the later, too tough to crack a smile and too crazy to be a humble person.

6. Song title: Against All Odds
Album: The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory
Sample: Cameo - Skin I'm In
Favorite lines:

Once again, all of them. He dissed a lot of people in one go. So instead I'll just give a list of people he mentioned, by name. Very direct of him.
Mobb Deep
Hatian Jack a.k.a Jimmy Henchman
De La Soul
Dr. Dre 
Walter ‘King Tut’ Johnson(apparently one of the shooters of 2Pac)

7. Song title: I Wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto
Album: R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Sample: Cameo - Two of Us
Favorite lines:
"I see no changes, all I see is racist faces
Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it take to make this
One better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
Cause both black and white are smoking crack tonight
And only time we deal is when we kill each other
It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And though it seems heaven-sent
We ain't ready, to have a black President, huh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
The penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks"

Lyric breakdown: 
Racism running rampant and black males being arrested and imprisoned at rates higher than any other ethnicity, although like he clearly says "both black and white are smoking crack tonight" or in other words, people of every color and creed do bad things. There's no need to look down on one specifically and overlook the wrong doings of another.

8. Song title: Holla at me
Album: All Eyez on Me
Sample: None that I know of
Favorite lines:
Once again, the whole song, can't even begin to single out certain lines. Three verses, one dedicated each to a different person, in a dissing fashion fueled with the passion that he brings as usual. It's unknown for sure who is dissed in what verse but it's pretty much common perception that the first verse is dedicated towards Stretch, the second verse to Biggie, and the third verse to the woman who accused him of rape and got him sent to prison. All in all a great song with a nice beat and truthful lyrics, emotional and relatable. He was just human here, no big bragging, no gangsta persona nothing of the sort really.

9. Song title: Do For Love
Album: R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Sample: Bobby Caldwell - What You Won't Do For Love
Favorite lines:
"I shoulda seen you was trouble but I was lost, trapped in your eyes
Preoccupied with gettin' tossed, no need to lie
You had a man and I knew it, you told me
Don't worry bout it we can do it now I'm under pressure
Make a decision cause I'm waitin', when I'm alone
I'm on the phone havin' secret conversations, huh
I wanna take your misery, replace it with happiness
But I need your faith in me, I'm a sucka for love"

These lines right here are some of my favorite 2Pac lines of all time, easily. I suppose because I'm a sucka for love(one of the alternate versions of the song).

10. Song title: Never Had a Friend Like me
Album: Gridlock'd Soundtrack
Sample: None that I know of
Favorite lines:
"You got my nigga 25
So now I sacrifice your life
Help to separate me and my dog
Broken ties
Why the fuck should I let you live
When I'm dead inside
Rapid fire my delivery
I'm bustin' at they whole crew
Nigga, remember me"

Maybe I'm just a sentimental fool, but when someone separates you from your homie, you feel hurt. Once again the passion in this passage is way above average, bars so savage. Lol, couldn't help myself but such a simple statement is stated with a calm rage, it's great.


That's my top 10, he has so many songs that it really isn't easy to do. His lyrics might not be full of crazy metaphors and double and triple entendres but the passion, delivery, flow, and pure honest behind them always and hopefully always will set him above the rest and make his name go down in history as one of the greatest to ever do it. The art of rap misses one of the greats, as do I.

 My former top ten, check it out and compare.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Top 10 Charles Hamilton Songs

Charles Hamilton a.k.a C.H. a.k.a my favorite still living rapper and musician in general. Born in Ohio and raised in New York, he truly brings lyrical ability to the forefront of his music along with his brutal honesty and emotions. If you can't find a few songs of his you can relate to, then you're probably not searching hard enough. Here's 10 of my favorites and a little information about them and what I think about some of the lyrics.

1. Song Title: Starchasers
Mixtape: It's Charles Hamilton
Sample: Lykke Li - Little bit
Favorite lines:
"My mind will not stop ticking
It's not a clock, stop trippin'
This is a hot written
I'm the one that the stars shine for
I'm more than a leader, I'm gravity times four
so hold me down"

Lyric breakdown:
Mind ticking, as in thinking constantly like a clock always going, just a metaphor for always working. Hot written meaning obviously his verses.
The stars shine for him because he's a person to look up to due to his skills
Much more than being a leader, he's 4 times gravity, gravity being the force that keeps things from leaving the atmosphere so "hold me down" just like gravity does. Double entendre there, as in hold him down literally down to earth, and hold him down as in be there for him when he needs you.

 2. Song Title: Verbal Vicodin
Mixtape: Intervention
Sample: The Police - Message In A Bottle
Favorite lines:
"Cause I wanna feel the beat
Like nobody else
Maybe being a nobody helps
Cause nobody felt the beat the way my body felt
I got no rhythm but I'm gifted in music
So I ain't going nowhere i ain't gifted with movin"

Lyric breakdown:
Pretty simple yet deep at the same time, he wants to feel the beat like nobody else can, and he feels like a nobody so the music is what helps him. He got no rhythm, in other words he can't dance well, but he's gifted in makin his songs, with the rapping and producing. He's not "going anywhere" because as said earlier he's not moving his body because he can't dance, he's just rapping and makin music, which is his real gift.

3. Song Title: Charlie's Angels
Mixtape: Intervention
Sample: Jon B. - They Don't Know
Favorite lines:
"This ain't a love song
This is my way of saying what's wrong
To people who believe that all the love's gone
People would rather greenback so much that their heart is black  
Romance is something for them to scream at"

Lyric breakdown:
The song isn't about love, but it's his way of saying what he sees wrong with it. People think that love is no longer around but he's explaining why he feels that is. "People would rather greenback so much that their heart is black" basically saying that the love of money has replaced the love of other human beings and the heart has gone black because of that. Check the color wordplay with green(the color of money and envy) and black(a color associated with something that has rotted). "Romance is something for them to scream at, in other words they get a partner and just verbally abuse them because of things such as financial issues, as mentioned previously.

4. Song Title: Falling & Balance (or just Balance, I've seen it under both names)
Mixtape: The Bonus & Unreleased 7 (Excellence of Execution:The Pink and Black Attack is where I've first seen it though myself)
Sample: Toni Braxton - Let It Flow
Favorite lines:
"I don't think it's meant to be, e
Cause she loves her work more than she does me
And honestly at 23 I would probably love my work more than I did she
And I ain't even mad that I felt what I felt, if anything I'm mad at myself
What was love at first sight for me.. Was just another night for she
I could be wrapped so quick in a trance that I could fall in love and never ever get in her pants
But that's me.. And she's her"

Lyric breakdown:
One of the more relatable lines for me. No complex metaphors or anything here really. The woman in question is more in love with her career than Charles and he feels that at that age(23) he would be the same as well. So he's not angry at anything but his self for falling in love at first sight although for her it was "just another night" (ouch) He got entranced just by being around her that he fell in love without ever having sex with her, so he fell for her pretty hard, but that's just who he is, and that's just who she is so he accepts it.

5. Song Title:Writing in the Sky
Mixtape: The Pink Lavalamp
Sample: The Stylystics - Betcha By Golly,Wow
Favorite lines:
"They say a diamond is a girl's best friend
I guess my best friend is a diamond cause she's my girls best friend
They say a dog is a man's best friend
I guess my bitch has a diamond flea collar necklace
Life is Tetris, you gotta find the best fit
Mistakes build up so much there's no exit
Too many mistakes, the game over
I make mad mistakes every time I ain't sober"

Lyric breakdown:
The first few lines give an extended metaphor on the classic line of a dog being a man's best friend and a diamond being a girl's best friend. A diamond is his best friend because it's his girl's best friend, meaning he gives her diamonds because she likes them and he wants to give her something that she would like. Bitch in the upcoming line refers to both his girlfriend and the literal meaning of a female dog so he's saying that his girlfriend has a diamond flea collared necklace. It gets a little deeper but to break it down further, a flea collar is to keep fleas away obviously, so here he means getting his girlfriend a diamond necklace in order to keep the metaphorical fleas away (other men) by keeping her happy.

6. Song Title: Sci-Fi Channel
Mixtape: At Most I'm Just...
Sample: Incubus - Here in my Room
Favorite lines:
"She can shape shift. Go from beauty to an ape quick, 
that's on her early morning wake shit
But I ain't really that normal to begin with. 
With normal comes a form of boring and I dismiss it
This isn't shit is it? Well, let's take a quick trip into my misses
But listen, the moment one of us start tripping, something hard hitting, wanna jump in Charles business"

Lyric breakdown:
She metaphorically changes from beautiful to an ape when she wakes up in the morning, without her make up assumingly which isn't normal to him but then again he's not that normal either but he doesn't like normal because it's boring to him. "The moment one of us starts trippin somethin hard hittin wanna jump in Charles business" Tripping meaning blowing something out of proportion or being upset over something irrationally. So when one of them starts tripping something big comes up and interferes with his personal business."

7. Song Title: Wonder
Mixtape:  It's Charles Hamilton
Sample: Incubus - Dig
Favorite lines:
"Making you go, take some cocaine to ya nose, pain doesn’t show
Only way is if I don’t play with you hoes. I was created alone, raised in a home were hate wasn’t known, breaking the mold was what kept me safe from the cold
Babies, will grow and maybe they’ll know, I would have gone crazy to show you how a day couldn’t hold me
It took an eternity for me to murder me, the me that doubts me, there is no me without me"

Lyrical breakdown:
The cocaine to the nose will make it so the "pain doesn't show" or in other words, being high enough where you you'll forget about your problems and not show you pain. "raised in a home where hate wasn't known breaking the mold was what kept me safe from the cold" meaning where he was raised there wasn't any hate, apparently their was love and that breaking the mold meaning doing things different than the usual or expected kept him warm from the cold(either literal or metaphorical). "I would have gone crazy to show you how a day couldn't hold me, it took an eternity for me to murder me, the me without me" Meaning he would go crazy in order to prove that he can not be stopped in a mere day, it would take an eternity to stop him, and for him to kill his other self that has doubts about his self.

8. Song Title: Happy Ending
Mixtape: Sonic the Hamilton
Sample: Imogen Heap - Have You Got it in You
Favorite lines:
"Most choose to move what bothers them
I let it stick around to bruise my flesh
But I step in shoes the color red
The color your heart pumps
If I stop walking I guess I'm fucking dead
So I run, no need to take my time
And wait for time to make a mistake
And say that I ain't great
I'm awake all times of the day
My mind state is irate
So I rhyme what I say
Instead of rhyming what's fake
Even with the nine in my face
I will say what I wanna say
And die today, why should I break? Break or stop?"

Lyric breakdown:
Most people would rather move something that hurts them but he lets it stay and leave a bruise. The next few lines are him speaking as Sonic beginning at "But I step in the shoes the color red"  Sonic wears red shoes, which is the color a heart pumps(blood) if he stops walking then he'll be dead because in Sonic games if you don't reach the goal by the time limit then you die and have to start from the beginning, hence the following line as well "So I run, no need to take my time and wait for time to make a mistake and say that I ain't great". "I'm awake all times of the day my mind state is irate so I rhyme what I say instead of rhyming what's fake" He's awake all day and his mind is angry, possibly from lack of sleep so he just rhymes to vent his frustration, instead of rapping about nonsense he'll be honest and say what's really bothering him. "Even with the nine in my face I will say what I wanna say and die today, should I break? break or stop?" Meaning even if his life is threatened he will keep doing what he does and say what he wants to say and die for it. Two breaks in that line with two definitions, one meaning to shatter to pieces, and the other to slow down and/or stop.

9. Song Title: In Case I Only Get One
Mixtape: Well Isn't This Awkward.
Sample: Neyo - Miss Independent
Favorite lines:
"Let me be real, blessed to be real
felt you begging for a second to be next to the real
so I Tick Tock you, That means watch, bad to me but not to the cops
Got it, I should stop right there, you got my care
and Mesne me which means Keep me grounded but feeling So high

Feelings I don't hide so chill with the crying
I feel both eyes when they water up,
I brought up the thought of her daughter and you stated to fuss like
Can you afford to be daddy daycare, I wanted to hear the sound of daddy stay here."

Lyrical breakdown:
"Let me be real, blessed to be real, felt you begging for a second to be next with the real, so I tick tock you. that means watch, bad to be but not to the cops, got it?" He wants to be real(honest) with her and tell her that he felt that she really desires to be next to the real(him) So he "tick tocks"(the onomatopoeia for a clock) watches her which is bad to him, but the cops apparently don't have a problem with it. "I should stop right there, you got my care, and mesne me which means keep me grounded but feeling so high" Mesne is another word for intermediate or middle, so she keeps him balanced and feeling high but still down to earth. "Feelings I don't hide so chill with the crying, I feel both eyes when they water up, I brought up the thought of a daughter and you started to fuss like "can you afford to be daddy daycare", I wanted to hear the sound of daddy stay here" He doesn't hide how he feels so she doesn't need to cry, he'll tell her the truth. He feels her eyes filling up with tears when he brought up the idea of having a daughter with her, and her reaction was arguing with him about him being able to afford taking care of a child. 

10. Song Title: Hell Yes
Mixtape: Substance Abuse
Sample: Usher - How do I say
Favorite lines
"She realized the danger of the passion
But what the hell, she came here for the passion
And I'm no stranger for the passion
Handcuffed to the bed, the chain was the reaction
I can't move, she's got me bound
Our chemistry is science and she got me down
But I love it, baby don't rub it, be gentle
Uncuff it, now you can continue
The wind blows, I'm in you, window
Open in you, window"

Lyrical breakdown:
"She realized the danger of the passion, but what the hell she came here for the passion and I'm no stranger to the passion" She realizes how dangerous passion can be but that's not the problem because she came to him for that reason anyways, and he's not a stranger to the passion his self. "handcuffed to the bed, the chain was the reaction, I can't move, she's got me bound, our chemistry is science and she got me down" She handcuffed him to the bed and they're using chains apparently(sounds a bit kinky) he's stuck to the bed, and their chemistry is science(chemistry being how well they connect and also a form of science) and she's understanding him completely so she's got him down(double entendre, down as in understood, and down as in she's on top of him) "But I love it, baby don't rub it, be gentle, uncuff it, now you can continue" He loves the situation but doesn't want her to rub the wrong way(probably get chaffed or scratched by the handcuffs)) so he wants to be uncuffed before they continues the act. "The wind blows, I'm in you, window, open in you (innuendo) window." The wind is blowing because she's "opened" so the wind as well as he is inside of her.

If you haven't heard of Charles Hamilton yet and you're into hip hop I definetely recommend him. He has so much music that I've not even gotten through half of it yet, so this top 10 is liable to change but from everything I've heard these are my favorites. The lyrics breakdown is based purely on my interpretation of the meaning of the song and understanding of the ideas he was trying to express. Enjoy!