Sunday, September 13, 2015

Top 10 Charles Hamilton Songs

Charles Hamilton a.k.a C.H. a.k.a my favorite still living rapper and musician in general. Born in Ohio and raised in New York, he truly brings lyrical ability to the forefront of his music along with his brutal honesty and emotions. If you can't find a few songs of his you can relate to, then you're probably not searching hard enough. Here's 10 of my favorites and a little information about them and what I think about some of the lyrics.

1. Song Title: Starchasers
Mixtape: It's Charles Hamilton
Sample: Lykke Li - Little bit
Favorite lines:
"My mind will not stop ticking
It's not a clock, stop trippin'
This is a hot written
I'm the one that the stars shine for
I'm more than a leader, I'm gravity times four
so hold me down"

Lyric breakdown:
Mind ticking, as in thinking constantly like a clock always going, just a metaphor for always working. Hot written meaning obviously his verses.
The stars shine for him because he's a person to look up to due to his skills
Much more than being a leader, he's 4 times gravity, gravity being the force that keeps things from leaving the atmosphere so "hold me down" just like gravity does. Double entendre there, as in hold him down literally down to earth, and hold him down as in be there for him when he needs you.

 2. Song Title: Verbal Vicodin
Mixtape: Intervention
Sample: The Police - Message In A Bottle
Favorite lines:
"Cause I wanna feel the beat
Like nobody else
Maybe being a nobody helps
Cause nobody felt the beat the way my body felt
I got no rhythm but I'm gifted in music
So I ain't going nowhere i ain't gifted with movin"

Lyric breakdown:
Pretty simple yet deep at the same time, he wants to feel the beat like nobody else can, and he feels like a nobody so the music is what helps him. He got no rhythm, in other words he can't dance well, but he's gifted in makin his songs, with the rapping and producing. He's not "going anywhere" because as said earlier he's not moving his body because he can't dance, he's just rapping and makin music, which is his real gift.

3. Song Title: Charlie's Angels
Mixtape: Intervention
Sample: Jon B. - They Don't Know
Favorite lines:
"This ain't a love song
This is my way of saying what's wrong
To people who believe that all the love's gone
People would rather greenback so much that their heart is black  
Romance is something for them to scream at"

Lyric breakdown:
The song isn't about love, but it's his way of saying what he sees wrong with it. People think that love is no longer around but he's explaining why he feels that is. "People would rather greenback so much that their heart is black" basically saying that the love of money has replaced the love of other human beings and the heart has gone black because of that. Check the color wordplay with green(the color of money and envy) and black(a color associated with something that has rotted). "Romance is something for them to scream at, in other words they get a partner and just verbally abuse them because of things such as financial issues, as mentioned previously.

4. Song Title: Falling & Balance (or just Balance, I've seen it under both names)
Mixtape: The Bonus & Unreleased 7 (Excellence of Execution:The Pink and Black Attack is where I've first seen it though myself)
Sample: Toni Braxton - Let It Flow
Favorite lines:
"I don't think it's meant to be, e
Cause she loves her work more than she does me
And honestly at 23 I would probably love my work more than I did she
And I ain't even mad that I felt what I felt, if anything I'm mad at myself
What was love at first sight for me.. Was just another night for she
I could be wrapped so quick in a trance that I could fall in love and never ever get in her pants
But that's me.. And she's her"

Lyric breakdown:
One of the more relatable lines for me. No complex metaphors or anything here really. The woman in question is more in love with her career than Charles and he feels that at that age(23) he would be the same as well. So he's not angry at anything but his self for falling in love at first sight although for her it was "just another night" (ouch) He got entranced just by being around her that he fell in love without ever having sex with her, so he fell for her pretty hard, but that's just who he is, and that's just who she is so he accepts it.

5. Song Title:Writing in the Sky
Mixtape: The Pink Lavalamp
Sample: The Stylystics - Betcha By Golly,Wow
Favorite lines:
"They say a diamond is a girl's best friend
I guess my best friend is a diamond cause she's my girls best friend
They say a dog is a man's best friend
I guess my bitch has a diamond flea collar necklace
Life is Tetris, you gotta find the best fit
Mistakes build up so much there's no exit
Too many mistakes, the game over
I make mad mistakes every time I ain't sober"

Lyric breakdown:
The first few lines give an extended metaphor on the classic line of a dog being a man's best friend and a diamond being a girl's best friend. A diamond is his best friend because it's his girl's best friend, meaning he gives her diamonds because she likes them and he wants to give her something that she would like. Bitch in the upcoming line refers to both his girlfriend and the literal meaning of a female dog so he's saying that his girlfriend has a diamond flea collared necklace. It gets a little deeper but to break it down further, a flea collar is to keep fleas away obviously, so here he means getting his girlfriend a diamond necklace in order to keep the metaphorical fleas away (other men) by keeping her happy.

6. Song Title: Sci-Fi Channel
Mixtape: At Most I'm Just...
Sample: Incubus - Here in my Room
Favorite lines:
"She can shape shift. Go from beauty to an ape quick, 
that's on her early morning wake shit
But I ain't really that normal to begin with. 
With normal comes a form of boring and I dismiss it
This isn't shit is it? Well, let's take a quick trip into my misses
But listen, the moment one of us start tripping, something hard hitting, wanna jump in Charles business"

Lyric breakdown:
She metaphorically changes from beautiful to an ape when she wakes up in the morning, without her make up assumingly which isn't normal to him but then again he's not that normal either but he doesn't like normal because it's boring to him. "The moment one of us starts trippin somethin hard hittin wanna jump in Charles business" Tripping meaning blowing something out of proportion or being upset over something irrationally. So when one of them starts tripping something big comes up and interferes with his personal business."

7. Song Title: Wonder
Mixtape:  It's Charles Hamilton
Sample: Incubus - Dig
Favorite lines:
"Making you go, take some cocaine to ya nose, pain doesn’t show
Only way is if I don’t play with you hoes. I was created alone, raised in a home were hate wasn’t known, breaking the mold was what kept me safe from the cold
Babies, will grow and maybe they’ll know, I would have gone crazy to show you how a day couldn’t hold me
It took an eternity for me to murder me, the me that doubts me, there is no me without me"

Lyrical breakdown:
The cocaine to the nose will make it so the "pain doesn't show" or in other words, being high enough where you you'll forget about your problems and not show you pain. "raised in a home where hate wasn't known breaking the mold was what kept me safe from the cold" meaning where he was raised there wasn't any hate, apparently their was love and that breaking the mold meaning doing things different than the usual or expected kept him warm from the cold(either literal or metaphorical). "I would have gone crazy to show you how a day couldn't hold me, it took an eternity for me to murder me, the me without me" Meaning he would go crazy in order to prove that he can not be stopped in a mere day, it would take an eternity to stop him, and for him to kill his other self that has doubts about his self.

8. Song Title: Happy Ending
Mixtape: Sonic the Hamilton
Sample: Imogen Heap - Have You Got it in You
Favorite lines:
"Most choose to move what bothers them
I let it stick around to bruise my flesh
But I step in shoes the color red
The color your heart pumps
If I stop walking I guess I'm fucking dead
So I run, no need to take my time
And wait for time to make a mistake
And say that I ain't great
I'm awake all times of the day
My mind state is irate
So I rhyme what I say
Instead of rhyming what's fake
Even with the nine in my face
I will say what I wanna say
And die today, why should I break? Break or stop?"

Lyric breakdown:
Most people would rather move something that hurts them but he lets it stay and leave a bruise. The next few lines are him speaking as Sonic beginning at "But I step in the shoes the color red"  Sonic wears red shoes, which is the color a heart pumps(blood) if he stops walking then he'll be dead because in Sonic games if you don't reach the goal by the time limit then you die and have to start from the beginning, hence the following line as well "So I run, no need to take my time and wait for time to make a mistake and say that I ain't great". "I'm awake all times of the day my mind state is irate so I rhyme what I say instead of rhyming what's fake" He's awake all day and his mind is angry, possibly from lack of sleep so he just rhymes to vent his frustration, instead of rapping about nonsense he'll be honest and say what's really bothering him. "Even with the nine in my face I will say what I wanna say and die today, should I break? break or stop?" Meaning even if his life is threatened he will keep doing what he does and say what he wants to say and die for it. Two breaks in that line with two definitions, one meaning to shatter to pieces, and the other to slow down and/or stop.

9. Song Title: In Case I Only Get One
Mixtape: Well Isn't This Awkward.
Sample: Neyo - Miss Independent
Favorite lines:
"Let me be real, blessed to be real
felt you begging for a second to be next to the real
so I Tick Tock you, That means watch, bad to me but not to the cops
Got it, I should stop right there, you got my care
and Mesne me which means Keep me grounded but feeling So high

Feelings I don't hide so chill with the crying
I feel both eyes when they water up,
I brought up the thought of her daughter and you stated to fuss like
Can you afford to be daddy daycare, I wanted to hear the sound of daddy stay here."

Lyrical breakdown:
"Let me be real, blessed to be real, felt you begging for a second to be next with the real, so I tick tock you. that means watch, bad to be but not to the cops, got it?" He wants to be real(honest) with her and tell her that he felt that she really desires to be next to the real(him) So he "tick tocks"(the onomatopoeia for a clock) watches her which is bad to him, but the cops apparently don't have a problem with it. "I should stop right there, you got my care, and mesne me which means keep me grounded but feeling so high" Mesne is another word for intermediate or middle, so she keeps him balanced and feeling high but still down to earth. "Feelings I don't hide so chill with the crying, I feel both eyes when they water up, I brought up the thought of a daughter and you started to fuss like "can you afford to be daddy daycare", I wanted to hear the sound of daddy stay here" He doesn't hide how he feels so she doesn't need to cry, he'll tell her the truth. He feels her eyes filling up with tears when he brought up the idea of having a daughter with her, and her reaction was arguing with him about him being able to afford taking care of a child. 

10. Song Title: Hell Yes
Mixtape: Substance Abuse
Sample: Usher - How do I say
Favorite lines
"She realized the danger of the passion
But what the hell, she came here for the passion
And I'm no stranger for the passion
Handcuffed to the bed, the chain was the reaction
I can't move, she's got me bound
Our chemistry is science and she got me down
But I love it, baby don't rub it, be gentle
Uncuff it, now you can continue
The wind blows, I'm in you, window
Open in you, window"

Lyrical breakdown:
"She realized the danger of the passion, but what the hell she came here for the passion and I'm no stranger to the passion" She realizes how dangerous passion can be but that's not the problem because she came to him for that reason anyways, and he's not a stranger to the passion his self. "handcuffed to the bed, the chain was the reaction, I can't move, she's got me bound, our chemistry is science and she got me down" She handcuffed him to the bed and they're using chains apparently(sounds a bit kinky) he's stuck to the bed, and their chemistry is science(chemistry being how well they connect and also a form of science) and she's understanding him completely so she's got him down(double entendre, down as in understood, and down as in she's on top of him) "But I love it, baby don't rub it, be gentle, uncuff it, now you can continue" He loves the situation but doesn't want her to rub the wrong way(probably get chaffed or scratched by the handcuffs)) so he wants to be uncuffed before they continues the act. "The wind blows, I'm in you, window, open in you (innuendo) window." The wind is blowing because she's "opened" so the wind as well as he is inside of her.

If you haven't heard of Charles Hamilton yet and you're into hip hop I definetely recommend him. He has so much music that I've not even gotten through half of it yet, so this top 10 is liable to change but from everything I've heard these are my favorites. The lyrics breakdown is based purely on my interpretation of the meaning of the song and understanding of the ideas he was trying to express. Enjoy!

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