Friday, September 11, 2015

Top 5 Male Anime Characters

Considering that an earlier post was my top 5 female anime characters it makes sense to include the my top 5 male anime characters as well so here we go.

Spoilers Below (obviously)

1. Lelouch Vi Brittannia
Also known as Lelouch Lamperouge, the protagonist of Code Geass. Also goes by his code name Zero by the members of the resistance that he leads against his former home of Brittannia of which he is the 11th prince by birth and for a short time the emperor of. This is the kind of the character that you just never know what's coming next, he has the qualities that many people would like to possess. Intelligent, charismatic, persuasive, clever, quick thinking, and more he proves his self to be a talented individual and only a teenager at that. He gives compelling speeches and is able to rally numerous people under his command, even without using the power of the Geass that he comes to possess. Traits fitting of someone of a position of leadership, whether it be the rebellion or the empire. Not one to act outside of logical thinking, unless it's involving the one person he truly cares about as much if not more than his self, his sister Nunnally. The things Lelouch may do at times can be seen as, cruel and cold hearted but when you think about how he's really doing it all (or at least claims to be) for his younger sister, it really shows a side of him that has some compassion, making him a pretty well rounded character of depth and filled with ambition. Easily an all time favorite.

2. Roy Mustang

Colonel Roy Mustang of Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, as far as I know there's not much difference in his character from either series but I've only watched brotherhood fully so this is based purely off that. A colonel in the Amestris military, his sense of duty is to his country and it's people like many who choose a military career path. His ambition and intelligence coupled with his skill with alchemy, in particular his flame alchemy make him a force to be reckoned with, as a fighter and as a military commander. He comes off as arrogant and selfish often times, but it's shown multiple times throughout the series that he's actually a caring individual who values his subordinates and will protect them quite fiercely. As shown when his close friend Maes Hughes (who is also one of his biggest supporters in his ambitions to rise in the ranks) is killed mysteriously while investigating something Edward had mentioned to him about the philosopher's stone. The rest of the series Roy spends with an added goal in mind, finding the ones behind the death of Maes and making them pay. His loyalty is something not to be questioned, and when he finds who is behind the murder he commences the suffering, with rage and hatred luckily he is a man with people around him who do not let it consume him. A personally relatable character and my favorite in the series itself.

3. Kurama

  Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, this one is another case of the intelligent fighter. A fox demon with power to control plants which he uses to turn a rose into a powerful thorn covered whip as his main weapon. When in his full demon form he's even more of a formidable opponent able to fully tap into his powers letting him do things such as create demonic plants. His fighting style is to draw the battle out long enough to fully analyze his opponents own fighting style (even if it causes him to take a few hits in the process) in order to accurately develop a strategy to defeat them. It might seem like a bit of a risk, but it's one thing that makes me like his character even more. Also he's former thief, who got second chance basically and has reformed his self and turns to helping Yusuke and the team fight against the antagonists for the rest of the series after Yusuke saves his life very early on in the show becoming quick friends and comrades. Out of the group he is definitely my favorite all around, from personality to fighting style he proves to be a valuable member and one that rarely shows any distress when in a fight or anything else. Cool and calm, Kurama is a top choice for certain.

4.  Simon
A tough choice between 2 of the main characters of Gurren Lagann but considering Kamina is nearly half way through the series Simon is my choice. Simon, at least before the time-skip is more relatable of a character, he's quieter and just tends to follow Kamina's words of wisdom and leadership. Not fully coming into his own path until after his tragic death, shortly afterwards taking over leadership of the resistance he shows quite the character development and matures over the course of the series. His most redeeming quality probably would be his hopefulness, which is pretty much what the whole series is brimming with. Hope of better times and the determination needed to achieve it, which is the definition of Simon. Each new challenge that arises he faces with faith in victory and without the looming despair that would haunt most others keeping him from accomplishing his goals. For showing anyone who's watched the show an example of hope against seemingly insurmountable odds, he gets a placement on my list.

5. Sesshōmaru
Sesshomaru, the older half brother of Inuyasha, a full dog demon with immense powers and an arrogance to match. He's a prime example of confidence and having the strength to back it up. Very few occasions has he ever really been seriously injured, and even then his only real flaw is having too much faith in his self and not wanting to rely on anyone else. He might start off as a villain and be a heartless person, even to his own half brother but as the series goes on a softer side of him develops, and out of all the characters in the series his character development is the most vast besides Inuyasha. Even after losing his arm to the very sword that he wanted so dearly, he shrugs it off and continues fighting any opponent who would dare challenge him and winning smoothly and without much effort. As far as characters goes he's a complex individual, and most likely the strongest in the series, the rare occasions that him and Inuyasha wind up working together against a common enemy are some of the best scenes in the series as it really shows truth to that old saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I can't help but think that the series could have been even greater if they worked together more often, but still he remains one of my favorite characters I've seen so far. 

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